Monday, January 18, 2021

Eventrac soon to become an unified event store in Google Cloud

Eventarc is growing and soon will allow more integrations it in Google Cloud Logging

Source: Google Cloud

In a recent announcement, Google Cloud shed more light on their plans for Eventarc. Soon, it will become the hub of events from more sources and sinks, enabling a unified event story in Google Cloud and beyond.

What's Eventarc?

As we previously covered, with its Audit Log and Pub/Sub integration, any service with Audit Log integration sending a message to a Pub/Sub topic can be event sources for Eventarc. It's managed service with no clusters to set up or maintain. 

long term vision       
Source: Google Cloud

Eventarc also offers easy integration with Pub/Sub topics and from different sources It provides consistency and structure to how events are generated, routed, and consumed.

Eventarc Triggers

Eventarc also works with the concept of a trigger. A trigger specifies routing rules from event sources to event sinks. That way, one can listen for new object creation events in Cloud Storage and route them to a Cloud Run service by simply creating an Audit Log trigger.

Triggers are available in the gcloud tool via the command:

gcloud beta eventarc triggers

Eventrac in Cloud Console

Eventarc is also available in Google Cloud Console from which users can also create triggers from the triggers section of Cloud Run:

Creating triggers from Google Cloud Console. Source

What's coming Next

Google Cloud plans to further expand this integration without using Audit Logs. Events will soon integrate with other cloud sources including (eg. Firestore, BigQuery, Storage, Gmail, Hangouts, Chat), 3rd party sources (eg. Datadog, PagerDuty). It will also become possible to send events to other Google Cloud sinks (eg. Cloud Functions, Compute Engine, Pub/Sub) and custom sinks (any HTTP target).

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